7 Business Tips from Rheinald Khasali

Early | Friday, July 29, 2011 | 9:27 pm

Something that simple can also be great as long as you are observant enough to catch it.

In his latest book, Young Entrepreneurial Self, Rheinald Khasali summarizes the experience of several successful young entrepreneurs. Including the tip of their success. Please refer to, who knows you could learn from him.

1. Enjoy the beauty of creative thinking
Being creative means always opened the door and explore the options. As John C. Maxwell says, "Talent alone is not enough. IQ is not. All new to the potential, and any potential need to find the door." The trick? Dare to try.

2. The power of simplicity
This tip comes from a successful pengalaaman Firmansyah Budi Prasetyo, owner Krezz Tella. He managed to raise the prestige of cassava to be the same as french fries and other snack import. The key to success is simple thinkers, they do the things that are recognizable and familiar from childhood.

3. Look for a low cost structure
According Rheinald Khasali, entrepreneurship rather than lifestyle. If your life style
spend the money. In your self-employment and income generation to reduce spending. With this mindset, it is well-run business will bring profit.

4. Use technology to reach as many people as possible
Currently the technology stutter when you lose. Because, with the technology, product marketing will spread to many people without any cost. With Twitter, Facebook, websites, or blogs, the promotion will be spread in a matter of minutes.

5. Breathed the spirit of your brand
It means to give strength and life to the brand in order to move himself, alive and helpless. Your brand is your character, so do not compromise on things that can damage your reputation and character, because it will affect the brand. Make a story telling about your brand, usually people like the story behind a product.

6. Entrepreneurship DNA
Do not believe the myth, that people are good at Padang trade, or the Chinese are good at business. All people can do business and have a DNA entrepreneurship. You do this by expanding the knowledge, many associate with successful entrepreneurs who are ethical, and hardworking.

7. Friends with uncertainty
In common business uncertainty, and even businesses are considered among the surfing waves of uncertainty. Uncertainty occurs when we do not recognize anything, so no other how to cope with the uncertainty that friendly. Find data and information, until you recognize that uncertainty and risk.

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