Posted by: g-gaff
Category: Investment
Business investment in simple terms is a business where a person who has the money (investors) give confidence to business owners to manage their capital. Said the business itself is a form of economic interaction between the human (minimum 2 people). So if there are words attached to the investment business said to him, a business investment, should it be a form of investment that involves the interaction of economic cooperation for mutual benefit. People involved in the investment business interactions can be 2 or even more, but still consists of two elements: the investor and business manager. If words could only stand-alone investments types of investments that do not involve others such as private investment in the form of gold investment, investment property, so it could just involve yourself and the assets he has.
Today's businesses offer a variety of investments can be found, either the stock or investment futures investment, business investment foreign exchange (forex), and so on, which if used to be a monopoly of investment business conglomerates who play the stock, forex, property and so the value billions to trillions, it is as if the scale of business investment in capital value in the smaller fragments penetrated into circles that are smaller or limited capital. Only by the millions to tens of millions of capital can invest in the stock market, forex exchanges, commodity exchanges, mutual funds, options and so forth. Usually, investment businesses just mentioned above have a clearer legal aspect, have a legal entity, its headquarters, the company is listed on stock exchanges, and so forth, so that more investors can trust.
But outside of those mentioned above, there is an interesting phenomenon that developed in the world of online business that offers a variety of investment business with the lure of high profit results or the number of years been known as HYIP (high yield investment programs) . The types of HYIPs are frequently offered the promise of high profit to customers in the form of a percentage of capital invested by the customer. But often the percentage of profit does not seem reasonable to offer ranging from 50% -80% per month, which is when the normal business in the real world even in the investment world forex stock exchange or dealt with major companies are clearly not the legality of the company are fiisik ever dared to offer a profit by it, at most, around 20% -50% per month.
With such conditions are rampant on the internet HYIP is very vulnerable to fraud and from year to year is always a lot of the victims. Just like this strangely like a broken business grow lost change. The new websites with a variety of exciting promotions and offerings are always able to reach many new customers with ease.
But often that succeeded in attracting large number of customers is HYIP investment website which is displayed in the website look very professional and sophisticated look, with a claim as the world's big companies and big business overseas, and with professional service and a quick look at initially. But then after walking 6 months to 1 year before starting to look bad and then disappear just disappear leaving the victim falling investment.
Take for example the one about the year 2006-2007 there is a great website called HYIP who claim to be a large company based in Switzerland and also has offices in the U.S., claiming to run a variety of big business in the world since 1948, including oil company's business in other oil-rich country. At that time the boom of customers who sign up to SwissCash since the system has to offer such a large profit increasing from month to month and a commission that makes multilevel system could profit more than doubled. There is one customer of Indonesia at that time who managed to become the leader in profit was achieved has reached billions of dollars, can even buy a Toyota Fortuner for 400 million dollars from the profits earned at the time. They can take the initial momentum join SwissCash can take advantage of and become a leader at that time.
Until finally after a year of investment business SwissCash website was started trouble, start from a standstill commissions paid to a variety of reasons, the web is difficult to access, reason maintenance (repair) due to hacked by a hacker, and so forth. Furthermore, the website is not necessarily vanish rimbanya left hundreds of thousands of customers who are victims of the scam investment business.
Examples of a similar scam investment business in 2011 Speedline is the mode that is also the same, using a professional-looking website, claiming to be a large company that has been in business for years, thousands of customers to join and participate to deposit the capital, until then the website disappeared before end of 2011. Actually there are many more businesses that appear HYIP investment alternated from month to month and from year to year, is only possible when viewed from the side of his popularity and the number of victims affected may be two examples are included in the category of large enough scale. The latter of these two examples in mind that the figures behind the scenes the two types of fraudulent website (SwissCash and Speedline) is derived from Malaysia, apparently claims that the company behind the website is a great company in Switzerland, America or Britain is a mere fictitious or fraudulent. Why the victim is always a lot of Indonesia while the perpetrator is an outsider? Indonesia is often fertile ground for business investment HYIP Scam probably still a lot of Indonesian people who hoped to become rich without having to work hard, get a quick profit, not care and do not want to know exactly what to do with the money by the manager, is it really played in the corporate world as it is claimed, or just simply stored for later taken away at the time had come, only a part of the collected funds they paid to the customer. Well, this phenomenon still seems kind of business will continue to exist, one thing is for sure the mode will be similar to the ways the two examples above (SwissCash and Speedline), you just observe any similarities, any HYIP business found on the internet has never been a which can last a long time especially if you claim to be a large company that has decades of often claim that it is only displayed in the form of the data available on the website that looks professional when they are not. So you should be careful and cautious in business modes such HYIP investment. Indeed there is no business that is really easy.
It may seem easy for you to just deposit the money and just waiting for the profit, but for the managers of capital? Is it easy to manage what he describes as a large company, which certainly takes a lot of operational costs, if he could provide 60-80% as profit is enough for the rest of the company he runs the wheel? To be sure their choice is the "money game", the game is the velocity of money, until it was time they took the decision after being unable to rid ourselves again to manage so much money by the number of customers who have reached tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.
There is a term that is often echoed by the enthusiasts of this kind of HYIP investment business, "money work for us" instead of "we are working for money". It is true there is such a concept is the concept of Passive Income, but often actually to achieve Passive Income true with hard work must begin well in the beginning, for example, a lot of success in MLM business at first had to work so hard to build a network in advance for some months or even years until his downline network as large and allow it not to work too hard again as before, since the turn of the underlying network to work hard, that's when he referred to already have a passive income. Or a business owner who has a passive income, at first even he had to work hard first to build its business, for example, lets say he set up self-service and employ other people, at first he must often work directly monitor the supermarkets, after several months was stable and continued to increase his profit can deliver self-service monitoring activities at the supermarket manager he hired, after which he just received a report of sales and receive money paid every day by the manager, at that time he was receiving passive income, but you can see that they were not at first have taken the effort to build his business. Therefore should Instill entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurial) ductile before actually succeeded in creating "a real money machine" as passive income, "the money work for us".
Lack of understanding of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) that animates each step of our efforts often give birth to people who just think "easy way out". Hopefully you can become entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) and the true success achieved "a true passive income" through hard work and real smart.
Caution!! Do not Choose Business Investment Scam Caught Up
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